Inspiriert von Etel Adnan, Acryl,Acrylics,Malen,Portray,innere Landschaften, inside landscapes

Gefühlte, emotionale Landschaften malen – mit Ölfarben oder Acrylfarben, für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene! Portray emotional landscapes – with oil paints or acrylic paints, for newbies and superior!

Artist Etel Adnan was at residence in a number of creative genres, she was a author and a visible artist. Her inside landscapes, as work or woven murals, impressed me very a lot. Her simplicity and readability, her discount to what’s important for her, touches deeply. If you wish to know extra in regards to the artist, go searching on the web. Right here I hyperlink you two movies on Youtube:

On this video I present you how one can strategy her artwork in your personal method, maybe by bringing your personal inside landscapes on the canvas. You possibly can, like Etel, use a palette knife, and even, like me, a brush. You possibly can take oil paints or different colours, acrylic, gouache, watercolor…. Strive it out and have enjoyable!

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music license
Artist Identify: SLPSTRM
Tune Identify: A Place Past Perception (Instrumental)
License #: 6654481403
Mission Sort: Commercial
Distribution: Web,

music license
Artist Identify: SLPSTRM
Tune Identify: By Your Aspect (Instrumental)
License #: 4785246145
Mission Sort: Commercial
Distribution: Web,

Artist Identify: SLPSTRM
Tune Identify: Snow Angel (Instrumental)
License #: 5522120156
Mission Sort: Commercial
Distribution: Web,


15 thoughts on “Inspiriert von Etel Adnan, Acryl,Acrylics,Malen,Portray,innere Landschaften, inside landscapes”

  1. Dear Gerda. I have to write this in English.

    I just found out about this woman today from your video.

    What a surprise to hear Ms Adnan mention the area I have lived in for 30 years — Marin County, north of San Francisco.

    The mountain she mentions is Mount Tamalpais. Ms Adnan’s inspiration to paint came from Ann O’Hanlon, who in later years created the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts at the foot of Mt. Tamalpais in Mill Valley, California.

    Amazingly I have taken a mask-making workshop there about 15 years ago.

    What a small world it is indeed!

    Watching your video (filmed in Germany, my home country) from my home near Mill Valley, California brought me to a video of a woman (filmed in Paris), which brought me to a story about an art center near my US home.


    Danke vielmals ❤

  2. Danke für Deine Bilder, aber auch großen Dank, dass Du diese aussergewöhnliche Künstlerin vorstellst. Ich kannte sie nicht und bin schwer beeindruckt von ihrem gesamten Schaffen. Alles zusammen ein Sahnehäubchen des Tages!

  3. Merci pour la vidéo et l'hommage rendu a Etel Adnan dont je connaissais ses œuvres. J'adore cette simplicité et la poésie qui s'en dégage. Je vais m'essayer à l'huile, l'occasion de m'y remettre. Merci encore et à bientôt.

  4. Danke für dein Video, ich liebe Landschaftsbilder diese Art zu malen finde ich sehr inspirierend ich werde morgen einige Bilder fotografieren,wenn das Wetter mitspielt. Da ich am Wasser wohne werde ich bestimmt was finden ,ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und ich freue mich schon auf dein neues Video. L G Ute

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