Summary portray / Simply utilizing rubber Squeegee / Acrylics / Demonstration

Demonstration of summary portray in acrylics simply utilizing rubber squeegee.

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24 thoughts on “Summary portray / Simply utilizing rubber Squeegee / Acrylics / Demonstration”

  1. I love that kind of painting, inside it there's a lot… Anyway my friend, i have an important question.. if they ask you _lets just say on TV _ What's the point of this kind of painting?! What will your answer be?!
    Because some people think it's nothing.. maybe the answer better to be in the next YouTube/ don't put a music on it, but Talk and talk with knowledge about that kind of Art. Have a good day

  2. Elitists like to snicker at people creating art with squeegees. I personally think this is a cool way to create organic, unpredictable abstraction. I'm an experimental abstract artist myself, using any tool and method available to me. I like these.

  3. @SurajFineArts – Abstract ART –
    Another amazing piece completed with a A Squeegee.. I tired my first one and the 1st few strokes came out good but then I must have used to my Basics Acrylic paint since it started to smear.. When you bring your Squeegee down and do your swipes are you pushing down just barley on the canvas as you bring your Squeegee down?

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