Color mixing fundamentals – Acrylic portray method to match a color Learn to match colors you see utilizing the color wheel and the ideas of complementary colors with skilled artist Will Kemp.

Colors used: Cadmium Yellow (mild) Cadmium Crimson (Gentle) Ultramarine Blue

Golden heavy physique acrylic paints


35 thoughts on “Color mixing fundamentals – Acrylic portray method to match a color”

  1. Hi, I have a problem. So I manage to get the color I want, but one of the following three things happen to ruin it:
    – I end up with a huuuuge amount of that color because I keep adding and adding
    – There's barely enough for one or to strokes of paint…
    – …or it's actually already dried up.
    Can't find anything about the AMOUNT of paint I should mix… help :/

  2. The problem I'm having is knowing which yellow, red and blue. I can see that the yellow tends towards green, and I'm guessing it's a blue red, so probably a red blue? Maybe this is discussed in another video because I know those things are important in getting the right mix.

  3. Will, thank you so much for the videos. I've been struggling with understanding many of the acrylic concepts, but you've really helped. Please post more videos, ranging from painting with limited palette, wet on wet blending, and dry brushing, etc. Again, thank you.

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