How one can apply an acrylic colored floor: Learners portray methods | Acrylic portray lesson we learn to apply a yellow ochre colored floor with skilled artist Will Kemp.

Be taught the fundamentals of tips on how to begin an acrylic portray with this free on-line step-by-step video tutorial

On this video I take advantage of Purdy brushes, a Winsor & Newton canvas and Golden fluid acrylics.


22 thoughts on “How one can apply an acrylic colored floor: Learners portray methods”

  1. Hey Will, Thanks again for yet another hands-on, practical video. Two qualities you should be admired for: Your impressive body of work, and your resolve/ability to actually get people painting. Some artists may have one of those qualities, but you have both. God bless your giving spirit. 👍

  2. Hi TheHiimrube, yes i do add some water to the paint so it goes on quite thinly. You're trying to cover the canvas with an opaque colour, using as thin a layer as possible. It can take a couple of goes to get the consistency right.


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