How you can Draw Water Reflection Impact / Acrylic Portray Methods

How you can paint with acrylics / Portray Methods /
Jay Lee is a portray youtuber. He paints an exquisite world on canvas, and share portray movies for folks everywhere in the world. Show Jay’s portray in your house, and make the world stunning.
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Jay Lee는 한국인 그림 유튜버 입니다. 캔버스에 아름다운 세상을 그려 그림영상을 공유합니다. 최근에 한국인분들 유입이 많아져서 기분이 좋네요. 감사합니다.
여러분의 공간에 Jay의 그림을 놓아 아름답게 만들어보세요.
Jay Lee 是住在台灣的韓國人,一位畫畫的YouTuber。在畫布上繪製美麗的世界,並用影片的方式分享給大家。把Jay的畫放在你的空間裡,讓世界更美麗。
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FULL COLOR is an expert sublimation printing manufacturing unit established in 1991 in Taiwan.
Art work design, shade separation, digital pattern, curler engraving, sublimation printing to packing and delivering.
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44 thoughts on “How you can Draw Water Reflection Impact / Acrylic Portray Methods”

  1. For all the comments that dont think the painting is realistic keep this in mind, art is an art of expression through the artist eyes that promotes prespective and creativity, it unlocks dreams inspiration and aspiration and thats what makes this masterpiece beautiful regardless of how real you may think it looks.

  2. А мне как-то не очень. Мне кажется расческа все испортила. Она сильно заметна даже в итоговой работе. Такой одинаковой ряби не бывает. И в целом слишком много прямых линий и в деревьях.

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