How you can Glaze with Acrylics

Glazing is a good way to tweak your completed work.

Prime 4 Glazing Ideas:
1. Pre-wet your portray with portray medium.
2. Use a mushy brush.
3. A number of skinny glazes are higher than one thick one.
4. Clear paints glaze higher than opaque paints.

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Richard Robinson

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45 thoughts on “How you can Glaze with Acrylics”

  1. Newbie. Thx for the simplicity of the video. Very useful info. I’m a watercolorist, usually. Think I’ll grab some highly pigmented acrylics. Have you ever tried to use only transparent with a wet brush for an entire painting? Lol.. Get that water color look? Thx.

  2. Although glazes are usually used to enhance areas, they can also be used to dull down areas. For example – turn a bright blue sky into an evening sky?….use an orange glaze over the blue to slightly darken the blue and desaturate it.

  3. May i ask…using a glaze, is it like putting a varnish over the top? Or is it to add/intensify areas of the painting…does it add a sheen? So would it make the area added shiny? Would you need to do the whole painting? Or can u do just a small area?

  4. Thank you! I've inherited a lot of random acrylic paints and mediums from Dad when he died. I have never painted in acrylics and am scared of them! So I will take heart and watch some of your videos and see if I can work out how to use them. Today I found some glaze mediums and had no idea. Now I do.

  5. I've heard of glazing before but this demo really helped me understand the application of the technique. It definitely adds a depth and contrast to the painting. I guess the danger is picking the wrong colour to glaze with. Practice and play music be the answer!

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