Portray Snowy Mountains / Simple Acrylic Portray Method

paint with acrylics / Portray Strategies /
Jay Lee is a portray youtuber. He paints stunning world on the canvas utilizing acquainted objects in life, and share movies for you and everybody. Put Jay’s portray in your area, and make world stunning.
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Please turn out to be a member of my channel. You should buy me a cup of espresso, and push me to create extra movies.
Jay Lee는 한국인 그림 유튜버 입니다. 캔버스에 아름다운 세상을 그려 그림영상을 공유합니다. 최근에 한국인분들 유입이 많아져서 기분이 좋네요. 감사합니다.
여러분의 공간에 Jay의 그림을 놓아 아름답게 만들어보세요.
(壓克力畫, 亚克力画)
Jay Lee 是住在台灣的韓國人,一位畫畫的YouTuber。在畫布上繪製美麗的世界,並用影片的方式分享給大家。把Jay的畫放在你的空間裡,讓世界更美麗。
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❖ Music
Meditation Impromptu by Kevin MacLeod
❖ Contacts
E-mail : tkstoryman@hotmail.com


32 thoughts on “Portray Snowy Mountains / Simple Acrylic Portray Method”

  1. Is there a place where he lists the colors he's using? That would be helpful. Occasionally when he puts the tube in front of the camera in some of his other videos, it's impossible to read some of the colors against the dark background of the tube. Anyone know what colors are being used in this particular video? Thanks!

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