Easy methods to paint a black cat in acrylics | Portray black fur

How to paint a black cat in acrylics | Painting black fur

On this tutorial I will present methods to paint a black cat in acrylics. Easy methods to paint black fur depends on the layering course of. I will present my most popular course of for build up depth and realism. The following pointers and methods could be transferred to different black fur work. The usage … Read more

How to mix green acrylic paint

How to mix green acrylic paint

http://www.willkempartschool.com How to mix the perfect green for landscape painting in acrylic paints. Basic colour theory for colour mixing whilst painting with acrylics. This video gives a simple demonstration of how you can make different shades of green by mixing different colors. Acrylic Paints used: Ultramarine Blue Cadmium Yellow (light) Burnt umber Phthalo blue Carbon … Read more