Attempting Out Himi Acrylic Paint

#bensound #artwork #producttesting #himiacrylic #acrylicpainting #thepunisher #punisher

Artist, Dad, & Hobbit


40 thoughts on “Attempting Out Himi Acrylic Paint”

  1. oh i think ive gotta try this… ive been very undecided on acrylics mostly because ive never owned any decent ones (1€ acrylics suck… who wouldve thought) but i could never really bring myself to buy more expensive ones. but these are pretty cheap so i might give it a try

  2. Acrylics it’s like every single paint you have to get used to them and not to mention if you come up with your own technique your pictures will end up really beautiful. I have been working with acrylic paints for the past 14 years now and honestly once you get used to whatever style that you have, and it’s honestly a very simple paint brand to use.

  3. I was kinda surprised you didn't like acrylics. They totally suit your style! Its thicker than watercolor or gouache but they are opaque so i figure it would be good for the sorta blocks of color you do. Anyway, it looks good! 😁 👍

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